Thankgiving is just that. A time to give thanks...and it's a time where we really should slow down long enough to think about what we are thankful for.
For me now that we have moved into the country, it's all about the slowing down. When we lived in the city, our lives were constantly go, go, go! It seemed that I was never able to truly decrease the pace long enough to breathe let alone enjoy any moments that came along. I was continually in a rush and I always felt behind. Always. It was a terrible feeling. So much so that I was in a perpetual feeling of anxiousness...what the hell?!?
But now that we are here, I am starting to enjoy the small things. Gifts that I hardly ever took the time to notice...a beautiful sunrise, gorgeous fall colors, the beauty in watching the horses play with each other. Those kind of moments that are truly wonderful if you take the time to actually sit and watch.
This morning, I looked up over my coffee cup and saw the most beautiful sunrise. It was like something out of a magazine. I have never noticed such a mixture of gold and pink, so much so that I had to go outside down by the lake and just drink it all in. WOW! It was magnificent. A gift.
Then on my way back into the house, I noticed the fall colors in our bay...beautiful. A gift.
Then I remembered the picture I took yesterday of Miss T and Maple with the beautiful skyline in the background as baby nursed. A gift.
I have begun to realize that true gifts are not purchased, but rather witnessed. We are given moments in time that are suspended for our brain to grab a brief snapshot. Enjoyment that if we are really lucky, we can capture that moment by photo and share it with others so they can enjoy it too.
So, friends enjoy this Thanksgiving Day, but most importantly slow down enough to realize the daily gifts that we are given.
Oh so very true Kim, and as we get older the little things become so important. So happy for you and your family being able to begin again in such a wonderful setting. I know you will do well, and I for one, am thankful you came into my life many years ago! Looking forward to reading of your adventures outlined with your wonderful sense of humour.