If you were to look at any media type post, there are people that just don't get it when it comes to animals. It's plain to see that some people believe animals are just possessions. An acquisition of sorts to brag to friends and family of ownership, breeding or price.
Animals are, in my opinion, one of the best gifts in life. We have purebred horses, grade horses, papered dogs and Heinz 57 varieties too. I wouldn't trade any of them for anything. It doesn't matter one bit whether one animal is 'papered' vs the other. What matters to me (and to us as a family) is the 'personality'. Are they kind, loving and loyal? That is our litmus test. And the reason for my post today.
Just to paint a bit of a picture...we have approximately 60 acres. As we have just moved, only about 8 acres are fenced which is where our five horses currently live. Our fence borders our neighbours who also have two horses. When we go to feed, our hay is right next to the other field where the other two horses usually are and they come down and peek to see what the commotion is all about. The bits of hay tossed over the fence to them is just bonus :).
As you can see in the picture, it was snowing outside. The horses were anxious to get to the 'new stuff' and were following Gary as he was walking the hay towards the feeders. What was so cool (and I sooo wish I had my video going on my phone) is that I saw Pressley (pictured in the middle in August) look over at the other horses and walk over to the fence. She stuck her head over to the Gelding to say Hello!. She then looked at the hay stack and what Gary was doing and looked down at the ground. She then bend down and took a mouthful of grass that was growing at the base of the fence line and pulled it gently out with her mouth. I thought she was just going to eat it. NO! That darling girl lifted her head up and lifted her face over the fence. She then put her head towards the horse and when he didn't notice what she was doing, she waved her head at him. He then noticed and moved over to her and took the grass. My heart just melted.
To me, that was such an amazing and kind gesture. That to me, meant she processed that her friend had nothing to eat, found him food and then made sure he got it. That is kindness. That is love. That is amazing in my books. And, that is just one more reason that she is my love horse.
I only wish that we as humans, could be more kind to each other like Pressley was today to her four legged friend. I only wish that we could slow down enough to see when others are without and make little gestures that would make anothers persons day a bit easier.
As for you Pressely, I love you my girl. And I always will.