This is going to be rant. The kind that is raw and uncensored. So if you are squeamish about swearing, scroll onto something more sublime...this isn't it!
I honestly think that I have some kind of adult onset Tourettes syndrome. It's like that commercial where that little bugger comes along with the big teeth and bites an unsuspecting person in the ass and they don't have medical insurance! Well...that little bugger has bitten me and now I have an uncontrollable swearing issue when mad. Not exactly ladylike but then again, if you really know me, I'm not your average sit on the sofa enjoying a cup of tea with my legs crossed kinda gal. I'm the kind of girl that keeps her cool until you really piss me off then WATCH's too late. I'm a run on swearing sentence that doesn't stop to breathe.
So, here's my story for today. With this move, we decided to buy an older home that required a renovation. We loved the fact that the land sat on 4000 feet of waterfront with adjacent land for the animals to live very comfortably. We can envision where the chicken coop is going to go (no, I have no idea about chickens but I will learn), where the pig pen will live and where my tack shack will be built. We also know what the place could look like with some TLC and a few pennies, however in order for that to happen, we need to hire professionals to do the work.
This is where my story gets a bit sideways. It seems to me that it's really easy for professionals such as Contractors, Plumbers, Gas Fitters etc to speak directly to you...while looking right into your eyes and come across like they actually have their head out of their ass long enough to do a good job. However, we are quickly learning this is not the case. What we are learning is that people just don't give a damn about anything other than themselves to the point that their job quality is the shits and their timeline stinks. BUT...have their hand out for more money than their original quote. WTF!
So when I received an email from our Project Manager saying the tile that was 'in stock and ready to be shipped from Vancouver' really wasn't in stock, wasn't ready to be shipped, and would be two weeks late...I lost my shit. I can't stand being lied to. If it's not ready, tell me that. Don't blow smoke up my ass and then drop a bomb...and then leave for the day. That makes me furious! That made for a tourette filled phone call to Northern Capital Wood Products in Prince George that the Owner now needs to find a solution for...tomorrow.
That was coupled by the Gas Fitter than magically decided that he may or may not get the gas line in before the October 3rd deadline. Again...WTF! Shaper Sheet Metal out of Vanderhoof said they would come tomorrow to do the job and then advised they may or may not. He proceeded to tell me he's now 60 and can't keep up. Seriously!?!! Last time I checked 60 is still working grade...look at my hubby. He can put most 30 year olds to shame!
Then the Plumber we hired (Bill's Plumbing and Heating from Burns Lake) didn't put in the exhaust fan in the kitchen, didn't change out the hardware in the main bathroom, and put in a vaccuum line so crooked the drywaller couldn't possibly put the drywall over exactly is this okay!?! So, we had to redo it...WE AREN'T PLUMBERS for F**K sakes! AND we PAID someone to do it...How do idiots like this stay in business?
Gary and I still believe that your word is everything. It doesn't matter if there is a written contract or not! If we say we are going to do something, we do it. Period. I hope that somehow the blog ends up in the laps of those that need a spanking...and think long and hard about their word and how they have fallen short.
All I can say is I hope that karma is a bitch.
Rant Over.
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
Monday, September 26, 2016
Getting off the crazy bus!

This blog is about being real. I'm talking really real. The kind of real that you only get from that one girlfriend that will tell you those pants make your ass look fat. Where either the content or language might make you wince or laugh your heart out. Either way, this is my life, my words and my blog. Like me or hate me, I'm real.
I went from working as a First Responder in the RCMP for over 19 years to being a Corporate business owner for just under eight years. I easily earned a healthy six digit salary and was so busy I didn't have time to pee let alone spend any quality time with my husband, Gary and son, Garrison. The day I stood in our driveway and had the biggest ugly cry ever when asked how my friend could help me...and I couldn't spit out any words that made sense ('cause it would take to freakin' long to explain...and I certainly didn't have that kind of time to waste!)...I knew things had to change. I knew I had to somehow make our family (both two and four legged) a priority instead of a convenient pit stop. I couldn't miss any more precious moments that my family desperately wanted to share with me. I decided at that moment to get off the crazy bus!
I will blog about my family, my horses, my dogs, my snakes (Jesus, yes snakes), my PTSD, my brain injury, my wacky sense of humour, my homemade lotions n' potions, my everything. You will kill yourself laughing at my blunders, my foibles, my clumbsiness and my love of life.
If you're looking to have a good ol' belly laugh...stay tuned! ;)
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